IITs & few other top-notch institutes rule in the engineering domain, but CollegeKhabar brings ‘Engineering College Rankings 2010’, an attempt to find out:
Institute where do top recruiters go first?
Institute which have the better placements?
Institute with the best academic environment?
Institute with the best corporate relations?
……and so on……
This ranking will be useful:
For engineering aspirants to compare among the best options available
For colleges to know where they stand & where to emphasize on improvement
For industry in their campus recruitment decisions
For students and alumni, for whom it is a matter of pride
But when there are already a lot of surveys/rankings done by big-shots in industry then what is the use of one more?
This survey will be focused on most important aspect student seek in a college – Placements*. Importance is also given on industrial relations, opportunity to work on good projects and quality of faculty members.
Quality of an institute can be judge by the perception of the students who are studying there or by opinions of Alumni. We tried to link them with this ranking. So this ranking/survey results will be the outcome of what current students & alumnus in engineering domain think about the institutes.
* Our secondary research shows that students put placements in engineering colleges a way ahead than faculty - student ratio, infrastructure, intellectual capital etc.
For further details about ‘Engineering College Rankings 2010’ & nominating your institute or the institute of your choice please visit:
Note: Nomination of an institute will also follow the popular choice along with certain fixed criteria (seen at-least3 placement seasons). More the number of requests more likely chances to be included in ranking 2010.
Important dates:
Last date of Nomination of an institute: 8th March, 2010
Start of online opinion poll: 10th March, 2010
Final ranking: 1st week of April, 2010
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