Monday, December 01, 2008

If You we can't wake now we can't do it ever

Islamic Terrorism or incompetent politicians:

I am afraid now the war is raging inside my house and not on the country’s borders. My PM is telling me not to be afraid and to keep calm and maintain peace and harmony. He is not angry and his body language conveyed that everything is under control. But my PM has Z Plus security which is perhaps why he is not agitated. I am an ordinary citizen. How can I remain calm when my own house is on fire?”

This is the time to take actions against both terrorism as well as our incompetent politicians. Mumbai blast are not simple terror attack as there were many previously but they raise question that what we learn from past mistakes: Nothing. Our beloved politicians will take it as a chance of doing politics as elections are there in 5 states and everyone got a Mudda.

I am f**king tired of hearing these words again and again :
‘Terror has no religion’, ‘opposition (BJP) is deriving political mileage’, ‘Shivraj Patil was incompetent’, ‘Pakistan is the mastermind and must be taught a lesson’, ‘POTA is no solution’, ‘we are a soft state’, ‘all governments/politicians are the same’, ‘intelligence needs to be beefed up’, etc.

Is there any law exist in this country? We always shout 'India is great' . Is this greatness? What the f**k I am writing about ? Will any change can happen? People can say what are you doing by writing this , for them answer is simple I am frustated and I am simply writing my anger and frustration.

Attention all politicians of my country see this video and analysis how much anger is there in general public's heart. Where was Mr. CM of Maharastra that night, leave CM any political leader was there? None. Turning down Home minister is not the solution. You people tell us how many attacks US face after 9/11? Is terror not unpredictable for them? Yes it is unpredictable yet they made two war fronts just for 3000 lives and in India we lost much more than them and still there is no surety that this will not happen again.

1 comment:

saras ojha said...

yah media acted as a clown!!Their vested interest is clearly visible!!